Mindful Continuing Education

Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy

1. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) was initially developed to address trauma associated with child sexual abuse, and has more recently been adapted for use with children who have experienced a wide array of traumatic experiences, including multiple traumas.

A. True B. False

2. Which of the following is NOT an accurate fact about TF-CBT?

A. It is effective with children from diverse backgrounds B. It has been used successfully in clinics, schools, homes, residential treatment facilities, and inpatient settings C. TF-CBT works in as few as 8 treatment sessions D. It can be effective even if there is no parent or caregiver to participate in treatment

3. Trauma-Focused Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (TF-CBT) is a relationship-focused model of psychotherapy that addresses the unique needs of children with emotional problems and other difficulties related to traumatic life experiences.

A. True B. False

When is TF-CBT Not the First-Line Treatment of Choice?

4. TF-CBT is NOT recommended as the first-line treatment of choice in which of the following situations?

A. When children are referred to therapy because their predominant problems are disruptive behaviors such as defiance, disobedience, aggression, or rule-or B. When children are severely depressed or suicidal C. When children have active substance abuse issues D. All of the above

Implementing TF-CBT

5. In order for TF-CBT to be adopted successfully within an agency, four steps are usually involved including organizational readiness, pre-implementation training, implementation, and:

A. Consultation B. Sustaining the practice C. Evaluation and assessment D. Expert support

Steps in Implementing TF-CBT: What Does it Take?

6. Obtaining model-specific supervision and establishing documentation and billing practices should occur during the organizational readiness phase of TF-CBT.

A. True B. False

Information for Program Administrators

7. Key reasons for program administrators to adopt and implement TF-CBT include each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Many policy-making entities and funders are adopting standards that favor the use of evidence-based interventions B. There are increasing expectations that services must prove effective C. Results that can be achieved with short-term intervention are more cost-effective D. Research indicates that TF-CBT strongly improves organizational leadership among agencies

8. Administrative support in the early stages of TF-CBT implementation often results in more efficient use of therapist time and greater therapist competence in using this model in the future.

A. True B. False

Information for Clinical Supervisors

9. In an ideal situation, all clinical supervisors in a program utilizing TF-CBT should be trained in the model and have some opportunity to deliver it to traumatized children.

A. True B. False

Information for Therapists

10. The clinician's relationship with the child and with the parent or caregiver is an essential ingredient of TF-CBT, and there is a great emphasis on clinical sensitivity, flexibility, and:

A. Compassion B. Creativity C. Respect D. Novelty

Other Issues Related to Implementing TF-CBT

11. Which of the following is a true statement about how clinicians should discuss traumatic events during TF-CBT?

A. A crucial principle of TF-CBT is gradual exposure to the trauma, so the therapist should avoid talking about traumatic experience in the first several sessions B. Every TF-CBT component introduces the child's traumatic experiences in a similar way C. Techniques used to introduce the discussion of trauma are designed to help the therapist respond to or prevent maladaptive avoidance on the part of the child D. All of the above

TF-CBT and Reimbursement

12. While TF-CBT is often a reimbursable service, Crime Victims Compensation (CVC) programs do not usually support the model because there is inadequate research on its effectiveness with this population.

A. True B. False

TF-CBT and Managed Care

13. The intent of managed medical care is to contain the cost of providing services and to:

A. Enhance the quality of services B. Provide clinically effective treatment C. Ensure that highly focused practices are followed D. None of the above

Delivering TF-CBT: Fostering Attitudes of Acceptance

14. The terms "stigma" and "stigmatization" refer to conscious or unconscious negative judgments of another person based on perceived or actual differences in their race, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, character, or physical appearance.

A. True B. False

How TF-CBT Fosters Cultural Competence

15. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways that TF-CBT supports cultural competency?

A. TF-CBT's collaborative approach is inherently respectful of cultural, community, and familial differences and preferences B. Parents are actively engaged in decision making about how the therapy should proceed within the guidelines of the TF-CBT model C. TF-CBT therapists consider parents as experts regarding their own children, so they prepare and encourage parents to take a leadership role in joint sessions D. TF-CBT therapists realize that idiosyncratic practices and beliefs represented by one family are also generally represented by others in that particular cultural group

16. Cultural beliefs or expectations may influence parents' views of reporting child abuse to legal authorities, the meaning of sexual experiences, and parents' beliefs as to whether children should receive education about sexual matters.

A. True B. False

17. Cultural views often have a significant positive impact on behavior that can be ______________ with clinicians' attitudes and expectations about how treatment can work.

A. Complementary B. Contradictory C. Congruent D. Compatible

18. The TF-CBT model encourages therapists to act as "co-experts" with the parents and to use their professional expertise as the primary tool to help the child recover from abuse and other traumatic events.

A. True B. False

Fostering the Ability to Talk About Traumatic Events

19. A key requirement of TF-CBT is the therapist’s ability to tolerate hearing and talking about children's trauma experiences, and therapists need to balance the importance of addressing the trauma experience with:

A. The need for adequate preparation B. A strong therapeutic relationship C. The child’s proceeding at a pace he or she can tolerate D. All of the above

Client Selection Criteria

20. All children exposed to trauma should have a full course of TF-CBT, and children with long-standing histories of interpersonal abuse and violence, especially when accompanied by parental separation, may need more than TF-CBT alone.

A. True B. False

21. Although trauma histories may be related to children's presenting problems, ______________________ is a primary cause of defiance and aggression in children.

A. Genetic predisposition B. Parental neglect and/or substance abuse C. Harsh and inconsistent parenting D. Depression and anxiety

Screening and Assessment

22. Substantial evidence indicates that without direct screening, many children or parents will not reveal trauma histories, but when asked directly, many will be honest.

A. True B. False

Time Requirements and Adjusting the Length of TF-CBT Treatment

23. Research studies suggest that by the end of the recommended treatment sessions, TF-CBT can resolve PTSD, depression, anxiety, behavioral difficulties, shame, and other problems in about ____ of children who have been sexually abused

A. 90% B. 80% C. 70% D. 60%

24. Clinicians may elect to provide TF-CBT over a longer time course than usual for all of the following indications EXCEPT:

A. The child is experiencing PTSD symptoms or extreme anxiety B. The child is emotionally unstable and needs many sessions to learn to tolerate trauma-related feelings C. The child experiences repeated crisis situations during therapy that prolong the course of treatment D. The child has experienced so many episodes of abuse or different types of trauma that it takes longer to develop the trauma narrative

25. For almost all children, treating severe substance dependence, aggression, or suicidal behaviors should take precedence over providing TF-CBT, but once acute problems are stabilized, therapists may address ongoing trauma-related issues

A. True B. False

Maintaining TF-CBT-Sustaining Fidelity and Avoiding “Drift”

26. Fidelity means that the therapist is using TF-CBT as it was tested, in a consistent and ____________ way.

A. Diligent B. Competent C. Clearly defined D. Organized

Balancing Fidelity and Flexibility in TF-CBT

27. As part of TF-CBT's 'PRACTICE' components, affective expression and modulation are taught to help children and parents identify and cope with a range of emotions.

A. True B. False

28. In TF-CBT treatment, the learning is sequential in that later sessions build on skills learned in earlier sessions, and components do not overlap or repeat, which enables treatment to be completed in a timely manner.

A. True B. False

Addressing Fidelity Issues with Novice vs. Experienced Therapists

29. Experienced therapists tend to abandon TF-CBT more quickly than novice therapists, because they are able to quickly recognize when the strategy is not working.

A. True B. False

30. Encouraging the use of TF-CBT components such as praise, active listening, cognitive coping and relaxation in day-to-day interactions among staff can help clinicians to practice, internalize, and benefit from the skills they are encouraging families to use.

A. True B. False

Additional Clinical Considerations-Service Needs in Addition to Treatment

31. A majority of traumatized children are identified as having other service needs in addition to therapy for trauma, and these may include:

A. Safety planning, placement, housing, and transportation issues B. Problems at school or with the legal system C. Special needs related to immigration issues or language barriers D. All of the above

Addressing Comorbidity

32. Past substance abuse or occasional current substance abuse need not interrupt TF-CBT for either the child or parent, especially since substance abuse may be an avoidance coping strategy that will dissipate when TF-CBT skills are learned.

A. True B. False

Managing Parents/Caregivers with Complex Needs

33. Which of the following is NOT one of the potential barriers to effectively managing parents/caregivers during the delivery of TF-CBT?

A. The parent/caregiver agrees that the trauma occurred but believes that it has not affected the child significantly or that addressing it directly will make matters worse B. The parent refuses to engage in the process because of the embarrassment and stigma involved in seeking treatment C. The parent/caregiver is overwhelmed or highly distressed by his or her own emotional reactions and is not available or able to attend to the child's experience D. The parent/caregiver agrees that the trauma occurred but believes that it has not affected the child significantly or that addressing it directly will make matters worse

34. Before initiating treatment with any child, is helpful for the therapist to communicate and emphasize to the parents/caregivers the centrality of their role in to the child's recovery.

A. True B. False

35. Therapists should work to ________________ in the parent/caregiver about the child's potential for recovery with successful therapy.

A. Instill optimism B. Place trust C. Encourage hope D. Inspire certainty

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