Mindful Continuing Education

Trauma-Focused CBT for Children Affected by Sexual Abuse or Trauma

1. Trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy (TF-CBT) is an evidence-based treatment approach designed to reduce negative emotional and behavioral responses following child sexual abuse, domestic violence, traumatic loss, and other traumatic events.

A. True B. False

TF-CBT Addresses the Effects of Sexual Abuse and Trauma

2. Victims of sexual abuse often experience a sense of guilt for their role in the abuse, feelings of _____________, a sense that they are in some way "damaged goods", and a fear that people will treat them differently because of the abuse.

A. Hopelessness B. Sadness C. Powerlessness D. Confusion

TF-CBT Integrates Several Established Treatment Approaches

3. TF-CBT combines elements drawn from Cognitive Therapy, Interpersonal Therapy, and Psychodynamic Therapy.

A. True B. False

Key Components

4. TF-CBT is a short-term treatment typically provided in ________ sessions of ________ minutes, depending on treatment needs.

A. 14 to 20; 60 to 120 B. 12 to 18; 50 to 90 C. 10 to 16; 45 to 60 D. 8 to 14; 30 to 50

Protocol Components

5. Which of the following are NOT components of trauma-focused cognitive behavioral therapy?

A. Psychoeducation, parenting skills and relaxation techniques B. Affective expression/regulation and cognitive coping and processing C. Trauma narrative and processing and in vivo exposure D. Reinforcing healthy coping skills and encouraging empowerment

Effectiveness in Outcome Studies

6. Research findings consistently demonstrate TF-CBT to be useful in reducing symptoms of PTSD as well as symptoms of depression and behavioral difficulties in children who have experienced sexual abuse and other trauma.

A. True B. False

7. In TF-CBT studies, parents often report reductions in depression, emotional distress associated with the child's trauma, and PTSD symptoms, as well as an enhanced ability to:

A. Support their children B. Cope with daily stressors C. Communicate effectively with family members D. None of the above

TF-CBT Training

8. Therapists may benefit from sequential exposure to different types of TF-CBT training including receiving ongoing expert consultation from trainers for 3 to 6 months and participating in advanced TF-CBT training for 3 to 5 days.

A. True B. False

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