Mindful Continuing Education

Elder Abuse Research and Theory

1. Elder abuse among older adults is both a pervasive problem and a growing concern, with the majority of elder abuse reported to Adult Protective Services (APS) occurring in domestic settings.

A. True B. False

Possible Explanations for Why the Field Has Been Largely Devoid of Guiding Theory

2. There are several explanations for why the field of elder abuse has been devoid of guiding theory, including each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Elder abuse lacks national attention and concern B. Elder abuse has received little federal recognition and funding to combat it C. Elder abuse remains focused predominantly on the caregiver stress model D. Elder abuse research has experienced an absence of critical examination and review

Review of Existing Theories

3. In the field of elder abuse, an emphasis on external pressures and stressors was found to be the predominant focus of existing theory-building.

A. True B. False

4. The Social Exchange Theory conceptualizes elder abuse as being the result of the abusive individual having learned to use violence in an earlier context to either resolve conflicts or obtain a desired outcome.

A. True B. False

The Absence of a Critical Examination and Testing of Existing Theories

5. Financial exploitation of the elderly, which is often cited as the fastest-growing form of elder abuse, accounts for _________ or more of elder abuse cases.

A. 22 percent B. 27 percent C. 33 percent D. 38 percent

Explanations for Why Existing Theories Have Tended to Be a Poor or Limited Fit

6. Elder abuse tends to be multidimensional, with a significant number of factors contributing to its occurrence and considerable variation existing across the different types of elder abuse.

A. True B. False

7. Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement about physical abuse of the elderly?

A. Contrary to previous beliefs, data show that many elderly victims of physical abuse are relatively high-functioning individuals who may be providing long-term support to adult offspring or other family members B. Although the elderly person is generally aware that he or she is being mistreated and has resulting feelings of ambivalence toward the abusive individuals, the feelings of parental or familial obligation tend to trump thoughts of severing the relationship C. The violence often stems from the abusive individual's resentment at their dependence on the elderly person, as well as the close proximity, continuing interactions and ongoing friction D. A history of dependency may sensitize the abusive individual to perceived criticisms and “attacks” from the elderly person, enhancing the likelihood of a violent response

Future Directions

8. Elder abuse researchers have found that the characteristics of the victim and the abusive individual, the nature of their relationship and occurring abuse, and __________________________varied with the type of maltreatment involved, strongly indicating that one theory will not adequately address elder maltreatment.

A. History of discord B. Triggering factors and appropriate response C. Level of mutual dependency D. None of the above

Type of Maltreatment

9. The majority of elder abuse cases that are reported to Adult Protective Services are the result of someone simply being incapable of caring for an elderly parent due to the person's own physical or cognitive limitations.

A. True B. False

10. A relatively unrecognized scenario, referred to as _______________________, arises when financial exploitation co-occurs with physical abuse and/or neglect.

A. Hybrid financial exploitation B. Compound fiscal exploitation C. Mixed economical exploitation D. Combined monetary exploitation

Cognitive Impairment

11. For older adults with early dementia, financial exploitation may be a greater risk than physical violence or neglect, but as the dementia progresses to a moderate impairment, the elderly person may become particularly vulnerable to physical abuse.

A. True B. False

Dynamic Approach that Encompasses Both the Elderly Victim and the Abusive Individual

12. Initially, the elder abuse field was focused primarily on the victims, but the ________________ model reversed this trend by emphasizing the role of the abusive individual.

A. Dyadic Discord B. Social Exchange C. Psychopathology D. Power and Control

13. If society is to respond appropriately and adequately to elder abuse, sufficient funding must be made available to develop the needed scientific foundation, since up to this point development of theory and research has been hampered by a lack of supporting state and federal funding.

A. True B. False

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