Mindful Continuing Education

Issues Facing Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, and Transgender Populations

1. The term ______________ describes a person whose gender expression is different from societal expectations related to their perceived gender.

A. Gender independent B. Gender noncompliant C. Gender individualist D. Gender nonconforming

2. Many Native/First Nations people who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or gender non-conforming identify as "Two-Spirit", a term that references historical multiple-gender traditions in many First Nations cultures, carries great respect, and leads to additional commitments and responsibilities to one's community.

A. True B. False

3. For many, the acronym LGBT reflects a community of individuals who, in some way, ____________________________, but many people fail to realize that the 'T' in the acronym does not relate to this at all; rather, it refers to a person's sense of gender, referred to as gender identity.

A. Base their social identity on sexual attraction B. Are attracted to members of the same sex C. Participate in sexual behavior with members of the same sex D. None of the above

Gender vs. Sex: A Fundamental Shift from an Exclusive Binary Paradigm

4. In the 1950s the concepts and theories about gender, gender roles, and gender identity were introduced and defined in the literature, and this was the beginning of raised awareness that gender is not exclusively determined by an assigned sex at birth, but determined by a person's sense, belief, and ultimate expression of self.

A. True B. False

Gender Identity Development: Nature or Nurture?

5. Each of the following is an accurate statement about how centrality, evaluation, and felt pressure may impact gender identity EXCEPT:

A. Some research suggests that these three external factors may influence how a person develops and ultimately expresses his or her gender identity B. Centrality refers to how important gender is to a person's overall identity C. Evaluation refers to how a person views his or her gender in terms of family values and practices D. Felt pressure refers to a person's feelings about the need to conform to cultural standards, beliefs, and norms

Gender Identity Disorder: A Medical Perspective

6. With the release of the DSM IV in 1994, the three gender identity-related diagnoses were collapsed into one, known as Gender Identity Disorder (GID), with diagnostic criteria that included each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Persistent discomfort with the assigned sex at birth B. Persistent discomfort with the role typically associated with their assigned sex at birth C. Significant discomfort or impairment at work, social situations, or other major life areas D. Significant discomfort or preoccupation with body image

7. Numerous comprehensive studies of the prevalence of GID among children, adolescents, or adults have indicated that the rates among men are approximately 1 in 15,000 and among women are approximately 1 in 25,000.

A. True B. False


8. Nowadays, the term transgender is an umbrella term for people whose gender identity, expression and/or behavior is different from those typically associated with their assigned sex at birth, and includes but is not limited to transsexuals, cross-dressers, androgynous people and:

A. Genderqueers B. Homophiles C. Gendererotics D. Epicenes

Top Health Issues for Lesbians

9. Lesbians are at significantly higher risk for developing certain cancers than heterosexual women because they tend to have fewer full-term pregnancies and therefore don't benefit from hormones released during pregnancy and breastfeeding, have fewer routine health screenings and are often overweight.

A. True B. False

10. Which of the following correctly describes behavioral health issues that impact lesbians?

A. Studies have found that lesbian and bisexual women consult general practitioners for emotional reasons more often than heterosexuals, and that they tend to experience more mental health disorders such as major depression, phobia, and post-traumatic stress disorder than women with opposite-sex partners B. One study found that lesbian and bisexual women who were "out" experienced more emotional stress as teenagers and were 2 to 2.5 times more likely to experience suicidal ideation in the past 12 months than heterosexual women C. Studies have found that lesbians are more likely to smoke than heterosexual women and are significantly more likely to drink heavily than heterosexual women D. All of the above

Top Health Issues for Gay Men-Physical Health

11. While heart disease remains a significant concern for men of all sexual orientations, major risk factors including obesity and high cholesterol tend to be prevalent among gay men.

A. True B. False

Sexual Health

12. Although the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) estimates that MSM account for just 4 percent of the U.S. male population ages 13 and older, the rate of new HIV diagnoses among MSM in the United States is more than 44 times that of other men.

A. True B. False

Sexually Transmitted Diseases: Other Infectons

13. Even though the human papillomavirus (HPV), which causes anal and genital warts, is often downplayed as an unsightly inconvenience, HPV infections may play a role in the increased rates of ___________ among gay men.

A. Throat cancer B. Cell cancer of the penis C. Anal cancers D. Mouth cancer

Top Health Issues for Bisexual Men and Women-Injury/Violence

14. Data show that bisexual adults are significantly more likely to report experiencing intimate partner violence than heterosexual adults, which reinforces the need for providers to routinely assess all clients for any history of domestic violence and/or victimization.

A. True B. False

Sexual Health

15. Research indicates that some groups of bisexual men report less risky sexual behavior with males such as less anal sex and less anal receptive sex, but are more likely than heterosexual men to have sex with female prostitutes and to have anal sex with women

A. True B. False

Behavioral Health

16. Which of the following is NOT an accurate statement regarding the behavioral health of bisexuals?

A. Recent studies have shown that bisexual men and women report consistently higher levels of depression and anxiety than heterosexuals B. Some studies have suggested that the quality of life and available support for bisexual adults is similar to or higher than that of lesbian women or gay men C. Studies have suggested that bisexuals are much more likely to report higher levels of self-harm, thoughts of suicide, and suicidal attempts than heterosexuals, gay men, and lesbians D. Bisexual men and women seem to have the highest smoking rates of any subgroup for which data are readily available

Top Health Issues for Transgender People-Physical Health

17. Several clinical trials have been conducted to examine, longitudinally, the long-term effects of hormone therapies on overall physical health and have suggested an association between masculinizing hormone therapies, such as testosterone, and elevated heart rate, loss of flexibility, and increased risk for breast cancer.

A. True B. False


18. Studies have shown that suicidal ideation is widely reported among transgender people and can range from _______ percent, while suicide attempts among transgender people can range from ______ percent.

A. 27-56; 6-23 B. 32-61; 11-28 C. 38-65; 16-32 D. 41-69; 21-37

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