Mindful Continuing Education

Adolescents, Sexual Health and Technology


1. Recent census information indicates which of the following about adolescents in the United States:

A. According to the 2010 Census, there are approximately 31 million youth ages 10-19 currently living in the U.S. B. In 2010 about 18% of youth ages 14-17 belonged to racial and ethnic minorities C. The poverty rate for people under the age of 18 was higher than both the rates for people 18-64 years old and those 65 and older D. In the U.S. the largest number of adolescents live in the West (15.1 million), followed by the South (9.2 million), and Northeast (7.4 million)

Identity Development

2. Adolescents' cognitive maturation lays the foundation for the important developmental task of the construction of an adult identity, which helps individuals interpret their world and guides their decisions and behaviors.

A. True B. False

Behavioral Development

3. Behavioral experimentation can serve an adaptive function by being a way for adolescents to further strengthen their ________________________ skills and to refine their views of themselves, others, and their world.

A. Executive functioning and self-regulation B. Critical thinking and problem solving C. Self-reliance and effective communication D. Character building and decision making

Social and Environmental Factors and Adolescent Development

4. In addition to family, peers, and schools, adolescents are influenced by environmental factors such as social networks, organizations and institutions, community norms, and:

A. Cultural ideologies B. Economic circumstances C. Contextual influences D. None of the above

Adolescents and Reproductive and Sexual Health-Sexual Behavior

5. Research suggests that nationwide, nearly half of high students have had sex, and that there are no statistically significant differences between female and male students who reported having sex.

A. True B. False


6. The estimated number of newly diagnosed HIV or AIDS cases has been decreasing in recent years among children, young people ages 15-29, and among adults ages 30-39.

A. True B. False

Sexually Transmitted Diseases

7. Adolecents and young adults ages 15-24 years have the highest rates for the three most common STDs, which include Chlamydia, Gonorrhea, and HPV, with HPV being the most frequently reported STD among young persons.

A. True B. False

Technology: How It's Used by Adolescents

8. Most adolescents, regardless of race/ethnicity, go online at least once a day, and girls and low-income youth are more likely to seek sensitive health information online.

A. True B. False

9. Social networking sites are extremely popular and powerful tools that can be used to disseminate sexual and reproductive health information by:

A. Advertising health messages or campaigns, such as HIV testing days B. Recruiting participants into research activities C. Monitoring behavioral trends D. All of the above

10. A great percentage of adolescents create various types of media content such as personal webpages, podcasts, and more, which is known as participant-sharing content (PSC).

A. True B. False


11. In general, blogging is very common among adolescents and is increasing in popularity with these age groups as a method to provide information about healthcare and services.

A. True B. False

Mobile Devices

12. Since in the U.S.approximately ________ of teens ages 12-17 have a mobile phone, experts believe it is worthwhile to consider if and how these devices can be best incorporated into sexual health ad STD/HIV prevention efforts.

A. 85 percent B. 75 percent C. 65 percent D. 55 percent

Video Games

13. Video games provide an opportunity for users to find health information as well as rehearse health behaviors and other meaningful activities, and there is current growing support for their use in promoting physical health.

A. True B. False

Risk and Dangers

14. Each of the following is an accurate statement about the risk for unwanted internet sexual solicitation EXCEPT:

A. Those at greatest risk are girls, African-American youth, older teens, frequent internet users, chat room participants, and those and engaging in sexual behavior online B. Risks factors for experiencing online sexual risk are also related to adolescent offline behavior and environment C. Recent studies suggest that sharing personal information alone is highly to online victimization D. Youth who reported internet harassment and unwanted sexual solicitations have a number of other risk factors, including substance use and poor emotional relationships with primary caregivers

Mobile Devices and Sexual Risk

15. Research has found that sexually suggestive images via text, email, and instant message are even more prevalent that sexually suggestive messages for young people.

A. True B. False

Technology: A Tool to Improve Adolescent Sexual Health

16. The multi-media, youth-focused sexual health campaign known as ______________________ seeks to normalize testing for and discussions about STDs.

A. GYT Get Yourself Tested (GYTNOW) B. Safe In the City C. The National Campaign to Prevent STDs D. Tailored Information Program for Safer Sex (TIPSS)

Example of Computerized Intervention

17. Advantages to using computerized adolescent health interventions and strategies include each of the following EXPECT:

A. Lower implementation costs and 24 hour accessibility B. Increased control over content C. They can be tailored to meet the demographics and needs of each participant D. Interventions have high rates of retention

Examples of Games Targeting Sexual Health

18. Nightlife, a recently developed safer sex video game which seeks to promote condom use, HIV and STI testing, and risk reduction in African American men ages 18-26 years old, has had positive results with participants in preliminary data analysis.

A. True B. False

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