Mindful Continuing Education

Outlining the Substance Abuse Treatment Needs of Women


1. The content, delivery, and cultural orientation of woman-centered services address the needs and characteristics of each woman, while reinforcing healthy attitudes, behaviors, and lifestyles and appreciating the __________________ of each woman.

A. Goals and values B. Experiences and priorities C. Unique challenges and strengths D. Personal histories and circumstances

Gender-Responsive Treatment Principles

2. Ascribed roles and gender expectations across cultures affect societal attitudes toward women who abuse substances and they often experience significant prejudice as a result of these attitudes and stereotypes.

A. True B. False

3. Each of the following is an accurate statement about gender-responsive treatment for women EXCEPT:

A. A needs-based model for treatment should be used that will develop and enhance resiliency and recovery skills, deepen the sense of competence, and improve the quality of life for women B. Substance abuse treatment approaches need to help women find safety, develop effective coping strategies, and recover from the effects of trauma and violence, which many will have experienced C. Treatment needs to integrate current knowledge, research, theory, experience, and treatment models from diverse disciplines critical to understanding women and substance abuse treatment D. Women with substance use disorders are more likely to remain in treatment settings that feel familiar and safe, include their children, use proactive case management, and foster supportive relationships across the continuum of care

Women's Biopsychological Uniqueness

4. Women develop substance use disorders and health-related problems in less time than do men, and this effect is known as magnification.

A. True B. False


5. Women with alcohol use disorders are less likely than men to report having had alcohol-dependent parents, other alcohol-dependent relatives, and dysfunctional family patterns.

A. True B. False

Physiological Effects of Drug Use

6. Women who use cocaine, heroin, or injection drugs have a heightened risk of developing:

A. Painful/irregular menstruation and underproduction of hormones B. Ulcers/gastritis and vitamin and mineral deficiencies C. Cerebellar degeneration and peripheral neuritis/neuropathy D. Herpes, pulmonary tuberculosis, and/or recurrent pneumonia

Characteristics of Treatment Admissions Among Women

7. Which of the following accurately describes the characteristics of women who enter treatment?

A. Women are more likely to report alcohol as their primary substance of abuse than men B. Women exhibit more severity of and problems related to substance use upon entering substance abuse treatment, including medical and psychological problems C. Women constitute about 40 percent of admissions for substance abuse D. Approximately 8 percent of women admitted to substance abuse treatment are pregnant at the time of admission

Screening and Assessment of Substance Abuse Among Women

8. Self-administered tools will more likely elicit honest answers, especially regarding questions related to drug and alcohol use, than face-to-face screening interviews.

A. True B. False

Treatment Engagement, Retention, and Planning

9. Since women are usually the primary caregivers of children as well as of other family members, they are often unable or not encouraged to enter and remain in treatment, which is considered which type of barrier?

A. Dependent B. Intrapersonal C. Interpersonal D. Sociocultural

Treatment Retention

10. Women who are in treatment for substance use disorders are likely to benefit from supportive therapies rather than other types of therapeutic approaches and to less aggressive treatment approaches based on awareness, understanding, and trust.

A. True B. False

Treatment Planning Considerations

11. Combining behavioral training with _______________ parenting interventions for women in treatment appears to be beneficial, as this strength-based approach assumes maternal assets already exist that can be identified and expanded.

A. Family skills B. Attachment-based C. Specialized in-home D. Functional family

Treatment Considerations for Diverse Populations

12. Trauma-informed services that encompass the impact of cumulative stress from historical trauma, including the experience of prejudice and discrimination, as well as specific trauma, may be beneficial for African American women seeking treatment.

A. True B. False

13. Experts recommend incorporating structural mobilization therapy to help address depressive symptoms in older women, as this approach helps them recognize the connections among life stressors, mood, and less effective coping behaviors

A. True B. False

Treatment Outcomes-Did You Know?

14. For women with posttraumatic stress reactions, literature supports the relationship between the receipt of integrated trauma-informed treatment services and positive treatment outcomes.

A. True B. False

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