Mindful Continuing Education

Highlights in Autism Research

When Should I Be Concerned-Update on Autism Research

1. Although research suggests that early identification paired with early intervention leads to better outcomes in children with ASD, the number of children currently receiving early intervention (EI) services fall short of the number estimated to need them.

A. True B. False

2. A new study identifies signs of ASD that emerge in the first months of life, focusing on ____________________, which has been one of the key predictors that a child might have the condition.

A. Irritability B. Social Interactions C. A Disruption in Eye Contact D. Lethargy

3. Retrospective studies examining two patterns of ASD symptom onset have developed concrete evidence regarding the relationship between regression and severity of development outcomes indicating that regression occurs in mostly all cases and leads to developmental problems.

A. True B. False

How Can I Understanding What is Happening?

4. Each of the following is an accurate statement about the association between gastrointestinal (GI) problems associated with ASD EXCEPT:

A. Researchers suggested the possibility that some GI issues in children with ASD could be related to or exacerbated by food selectivity and restricted diets that may result from sensory issues or insistence on sameness B. Children with ASD who experienced GI problems exhibited greater severity in certain maladaptive behaviors C. Chronic GI symptoms causing pain, discomfort and anxiety, could potentially contribute to increased irritability and social withdrawal, particularly in someone with deficits in social and communicative skills D. Results indicated that children with ASD are approximately three to five times more likely to report frequent gaseousness/bloating, constipation, diarrhea, and sensitivity to foods that typically developing children

5. In addition to GI issues, ASD is sometimes accompanied by one more comorbid health condition, such seizures, sleep disorders and psychiatric disorder, but the relationship between ASD and comorbidity is poorly understood and these conditions do not occur evenly across ASD populations.

A. True B. False

Coexpression Networks Implicate Human Midfetal Deep Cortical Projection Neurons in the Pathogenesis of Autism

6. 'High-confidence' ASD genes have been identified in multiple families with ASD, with the greatest impact of these genes tending to occur in the period of fetal development ranging from:

A. 6-20 months B. 10-24 months C. 14-28 months D. 18-32 months

What Caused This to Happen and Can It Be Prevented?

7. New research supports the argument that that fetal exposure to certain maternal antibodies may play a role in the development of ASD, and that target particular fetal brain proteins have been found in 18% of mothers of children with ASD and only in 6% of mothers of typically developing children.

A. True B. False

Autism Risk Across Generations

8. Several recent studies have shown an increased risk for ASD in the children of older fathers, possibly because of spontaneous mutations in sperm cells that may accumulate overtime and results in cellular and molecular functions that may give rise to ASD symptoms in the next generation.

A. True B. False

Association Between Maternal Use of Folic Acid Supplements and Risk of Autism Spectrum Disorders in Children

9. New correlational findings suggest an association between prenatal folic acid supplementation and a decreased risk of autistic disorder, and have been able to clearly establish causality for this decreased risk as well as to demonstrate how folic acid acts as a protective factor against ASD.

A. True B. False

Which Treatments and Interventions Will Help?

10. Children with ASD who attain verbal skills by ______ of age have been found to demonstrate the best social outcomes, and improvement in such skills as joint attention can positively impact the development of verbal communication in these children.

A. 3 years B. 4 years C. 5 years D. 6 years

11. Brief behavioral interventions that are provided along traditional therapies show much potential in targeting joint attention and play skills and can result in the improvement of core deficits in minimally verbal children with ASD.

A. True B. False

Oxytocin Enhances Brain Function in Children with Autism

12. Although there is no established drug treatment to address social impairment, previous work in children and adults with ASD suggests that oxytocin treatment results in each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Greater recognition of social cues B. Enhanced willingness to interact socially C. Decreased repeated behaviors D. Increased social cognition

Where Can I Turn For Services?

13. Two intervention models that are widely used in schools are LEAP, which uses applied behavior analysis (ABA) approaches with the goal of reducing characteristics of ASD that interfere with learning, and TEACH, which makes changes and accommodations to the student's environment to promote the child's engagement and learning.

A. True B. False

14. While data imply that high quality classrooms lead to benefits for ASD children, the degree of ASD severity may play a role in the type of classroom that best fits the individual child.

A. True B. False

Comparing Cognitive Outcomes among Children with ASD's Receiving Community-Based Early Intervention

15. Several studies on treatment models for preschool aged children with ASD have observed that inclusion in classroom settings alongside their typically developing peers have resulted in cognitive gains for them. although some researchers argue that inclusive classrooms may expose children with ASD to social rejection from typically developing peers.

A. True B. False

16. ASD children who undergo early intervention in inclusive school settings and in mixed disability placements consistently show improvement in cognitive assessments compared to those in autism only placements.

A. True B. False

17. Previous research has demonstrated that some people who were diagnosed with ASD as children grew up to lose their symptoms and their ASD diagnosis, but concerns have remained about _____________________________________ and whether they had indeed fully recovered.

A. Whether observational tests and parent questionnaires were accurate B. Whether their symptom reduction was correctly reported C. Whether they were diagnosed correctly initially D. None of the above

18. Unemployment is high among adults with ASD, but those who enroll in supported employment programs that offer job placement and support throughout employment have shown greater individual satisfaction greater financial gains, and more independent living.

A. True B. False

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