Mindful Continuing Education

Mindfulness Techniques to Treat Addiction

Part 1-Chapter 1: Emotions

1. When individuals experience loss, they may feel angry, sad, stressed or fearful, and may drink, overeat, use drugs or partake in other addictive behaviors in an attempt to feel better.

A. True B. False

Embracing the Dog

2. Individuals often spend time and energy trying to rid themselves of their emotions, rather than realizing that they are part of their lives and that they need to find healthy ways to deal with them.

A. True B. False

Taking a Closer Look

3. Which of the following is NOT a true statement about emotions and beliefs?

A. Grief is a natural, healthy, and important part of healing and if you let yourself experience it, it will pass in good time B. Loss is a normal part of life, and the real tragedy is denying yourself the joy that is part of life too C. Emotions are healthy and natural, but our attempts to stop feeling are unnatural and lead us to unhealthy and addictive behaviors D. Emotions often come from nowhere, so the trick is learning to manage thoughts, emotions, and behaviors

Getting to Know Your Feelings-Common Emotions

4. Being closed-offed, tearful, and uncertain are common emotions felt by those who are feeling ashamed and mad.

A. True B. False

Exercise 1.5: Learning About Your Feelings

5. While completing a simple exercise of bringing full attention to the emotion you are feeling at a certain moment, experts recommend sitting for at least ten minutes until reaching comfort and understanding of the feeling.

A. True B. False

Chapter 2: Thoughts-How Thoughts Connect to Emotions

6. The connection between thoughts and feeling happens when a situation arises, a thought occurs, and the thought stirs up emotions, and the trouble usually begins when:

A. The situation creates a trigger B. An emotion is revealed C. The situation brings a thought or thoughts to mind D. None of the above

7. For many people, core beliefs tend to be negative, and come with repetitive negative thoughts, which the authors refer to as repeat-offender thoughts.

A. True B. False

Considering the Evidence

8. A powerful skill for learning to deal with negative core beliefs and thoughts is to consider the evidence in order to make the kind of ____________________ interpretations that lead to good decision making and a healthy sense of self.

A. Balanced and realistic B. Responsible and reasonable C. Astute and rational D. Prudent and just

Distracting Thoughts

9. Researchers have concluded that concentration and practice on identifying and changing distracting thoughts can actually change how the brain works.

A. True B. False

10. Placing a huge amount of negativity over all events, regardless of the outcome, is referred to as "Disaster Forecaster" thinking.

A. True B. False

11. Rejecting positive experiences by insisting for some reason that they 'don't count' occurs with which type of thinking?

A. "Of course that's not important" thinking B. "Can't see the upside" thinking C. "Should or shouldn't" thinking D. "What's the real deal" thinking

Chapter 3: Behaviors-Choosing the Opposite

12. The skill of choosing the opposite, which means acting against your automatic response to thoughts and feelings, is based on a concept from cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) that teaches new ways to react.

A. True B. False

Anger or Frustration

13. When looking at a situation from other people's perspective, rather than trying to convince them that you are right, each of the following is recommended EXCEPT:

A. Take in his side of the argument B. Remind yourself of the saying, "Would you rather be right or be happy?" C. Walk away from the situation without agreeing or disagreeing

14. When responding to fear, getting angry is safer than being scared, but an alternative to anger is to sit with the fear while understanding that it is an important part of being human.

A. True B. False


15. Schema-focused therapy (SFA) is a type of therapy that is designed to help people live a life based on their values, despite difficult thoughts and feelings.

A. True B. False

Learning More about Choosing the Opposite

16. Most people's instincts lead them to respond to fear with:

A. Confrontation B. Outrage C. Hopelessness D. Avoidance

Chapter 4: Mindfulness-Observing Your Mind Without Judgment

17. Which of the following is NOT one of the ways to observe your mind without judgment as you begin the mindfulness practice?

A. Imagine watching the way your mind works B. Imagine how your mind perceives the actions of others C. Imagine how it responds to different situations D. Imagine the influence of your mind on your moods

Imaginary Lions

18. Most of the time when our anxiety triggers the "flight or fight" response, it is in reaction to memory or imagination.

A. True B. False

Practicing Mindfulness

19. Mindfulness techniques that help achieve present moment awareness include studying an object, counting the sounds in a room, being focused on daily tasks, imagining the space you are in, and:

A. Paying close attention to body sensations B. Noticing each movement you make C. Imagine your thoughts as neither good nor bad D. Recognizing physical sensations that come to you when you connect with feelings of compassion

20. The concept of profound admission, borrowed from Zen Buddhism, is used to help individuals experience the world without judgment and to accept what IS in a kind and sympathetic way.

A. True B. False

Fight, Flight, or FLOAT

21. The idea of taking a moment to rise above a challenging situation, known as FLOAT, calls for finding your silent place, letting go of judgment, observing your thoughts, having an awareness of your environment, and being thankful for the experience.

A. True B. False

Part 2-Chapter 5: Loss-What is Loss?

22. People may experience losses that trigger a mourning response anytime they have to say good-bye to something, but they may not realize that they need to allow themselves time to grieve.

A. True B. False

Why Look at Old Losses?

23. In the process of recovery, it is important to look at old losses because loss compounds loss, losses begin to build on themselves, and because lasting recovery requires healing at the source.

A. True B. False

Exercise 5.3: How Resolved Is Your Loss?

24. When evaluating how you process loss, the authors recommend asking yourself each of the following questions EXCEPT:

A. When I think about loss, I feel.... B. I have talked about this loss with.... C. I noticed that this loss has impacted.... D. In regard to this loss I feel....

Chapter 6: Addiction

25. While some people may attempt to find a healthy substitute for an addictive behavior, this behavior will often lead to further addiction and unfortunate consequences.

A. True B. False

Exercise 6.1: Identify Addictions Worksheet

26. Eszopiclone and ramelteon fall under which category of addictive medications?

A. Oral steroids B. Sedatives C. Sleep medications D. Stimulants

Uncovering the Time Line of Your Addictive Behavior

27. For most people, addictive behavior generally starts off as a solution, rather than a problem, so it is helpful to track when it became a problem in order to better understand the development of the disease of addiction.

A. True B. False

Healing: When Is the Best Time?

28. When deciding to begin the recovery process, it may be helpful to read a daily reminder that states, "I will respect and nurture myself, I am of value, I am loved and protected", which is know as a/an:

A. Kindness letter B. Goodness pledge C. Appreciation proclamation D. Wellness script

Chapter 7: Connecting Addiction and Loss

29. Each of the following is an accurate statement about loss and addiction EXCEPT:

A. When addiction is propelled by loss, it leads to more and more loss, which is known as the addiction-harm sequence B. Those who continue to participate in addictive behaviors are living in a way that promotes loss C. Loss compounds loss and builds on itself with each loss triggering the pain of an old loss D. Loss may be the greatest motivator for facing an addiction

Preparing for Loss Anniversaries

30. Most experts agree that focusing on loss anniversaries does more harm than good, as they tend to serve as a reminder of pain, and acknowledging them may lead to an increase in destructive behavior.

A. True B. False

Chapter 8: Mindful Grieving

31. It is quite normal for those who are battling addiction to resist change, but they must also be aware that the antidote to resistance is survival, which has likely already helped them up to this point.

A. True B. False

Coping After a Loss

32. When people try to focus on how others cope with loss, it tends to be detrimental to their coping process because they place similar expectations on themselves that they may not be able to fulfill.

A. True B. False

Nothing Works?

33. Carl Jung believed that people who ________ parts of themselves continued to be bothered by them, and that the problem tended to get bigger and stronger.

A. Avoided B. Resisted C. Denied D. Rejected

Radical Acceptance Revisited

34. One way that individuals struggling with addiction can begin to heal is to give themselves the gift of accepting their experiences and feelings.

A. True B. False

35. Mindfulness is about increasing ones personal strengths, and the purpose of mindful grieving is to change ones point of view about loss while being calm, focused, and nonreactive.

A. True B. False

36. A person who tends to look for a dark cloud on a sunny day or to think "When will this good feeling end?" is known as a quiet antagonist.

A. True B. False

Resiliency in Action

37. When people practice resilient behaviors, they become stronger and better able to cope with distressing thoughts and feelings.

A. True B. False

Chapter 9: Relationships-Speaking With Softer Emotions

38. In order to strengthen the bonds of relationships, ______________________ helps partners step out from behind their harder emotions such as anger, and communicate with their softer emotions such as hurt.

A. Rational Emotive Therapy (RET) B. Integrative Behavior Therapy C. Emotionally Focused Therapy D. Acceptance and Commitment Therapy

39. For most people, soft emotions are beneath the expressed hard emotions, and insecurity is likely expressed as envy and rejection, and is often shown as defensiveness.

A. True B. False

Listening Matters

40. In order to have healthy communication, it is important to not only hear what the other person is saying but to also interpret the meanings of the words.

A. True B. False

Rising Above the Outcome

41. One of the most tremendous changes that can be experienced, through mindfulness practice is to detach from someone else's emotional chaos and to bring _____________________ to another person's response to you.

A. Curiosity and understanding B. Fairness and humanity C. Awareness and compassion D. Reasoning and consideration

Healing Broken Relationships

42. Healing broken relationships requires owning up to one's mistakes taking responsibility, and having true humility that is fair and balanced.

A. True B. False

Rebuilding Trust

43. An important factor in rebuilding trust that was lost as a result of addiction is allowing the other person to make the final decisions about the boundaries and expectations in the relationship.

A. True B. False

Building a Healthy Social Support System

44. In order to create a buffer against hard times and establish a healthy support system, expects recommend looking to build new relationships that allow for the opportunity to have a fresh start.

A. True B. False

Managing Social Discomfort

45. When managing social discomfort, it may be helpful to give yourself a break for feeling uncomfortable, bring a friend along for support, and:

A. Challenge yourself to participate in healing activities even if you are nervous B. Practice self-talk that is encouraging and positive C. Openly share your experiences D. None of the above

Chapter 10: Recovery, Relapse Prevention, and Beyond-Nutrition

46. While in recovery and focusing on nutrition, each of the following is recommended EXCEPT:

A. Plan healthy and nutrition snacks B. Speak to a professional to help sort out appropriate nutritional needs C. Stick to eating at regular times throughout the day D. Limit the foods eaten, as this will likely lead to better food choices than choosing from a wide variety

47. Healthy sleep habits that lead to overall good health include avoiding chemicals that interfere with sleep, establishing a calming presleep habit, exercising several hours before bedtime, and making the bedroom sleep friendly.

A. True B. False


48. According to the book, the Principles of Addiction Medicine, physical activity helps manage moods and stress, and sixty minutes per week of exercise can provide a recovering person with approximately thirty health and mental health benefits.

A. True B. False


49. Although work can become stressful or a burden for those in recovery, starting the workday with a five-minute mindfulness meditation and practicing a short mindfulness exercise during a break can make for a productive day.

A. True B. False


50. Participating in fun activities while sober can sometimes be a challenge, but it is important to try new things, even if you don't think they will be fun, and to always give them time to become enjoyable, rather than immediately moving on to the next activity.

A. True B. False

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