Mindful Continuing Education

How Peers Influence Teen Dating Violence

1. Although the initiation of romantic relationships is often a positive and healthy experience for many youth, it can be a source of violence and abuse for others, particularly for certain populations, such as youth who have a history of exposure to violence.

A. True B. False

Peer Roles in Teen Dating Violence

2. Peer roles are best understood within a multi-systemic framework, and when teens begin dating, each partner enters into the relationship with his or her own set of perceptions, and attitudes and behaviors shaped, in part, by school context characteristics, peer and peer context characteristics, and:

A. Cultural context characteristics B. Community context characteristics C. Familial context characteristics D. Developmental context characteristics

Do Risky Peer Contexts Increase the Likelihood That Teens Will Experience Dating Violence?

3. One study of 1,162 Illinois teens found that while male teens who bullied others were also likely to perpetrate sexual harassment, physical dating violence and verbal dating violence, female teens who bullied others were not generally involved in sexual and dating violence.

A. True B. False

4. Findings from National Institute of Justice (NIJ)-funded studies contribute to a growing body of literature suggesting that a diverse set of peer attributes are linked to whether teens experience or perpetrate dating violence, including each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Close peers' and the broader peer group's behaviors, attitudes and guidance B. Teens' social standing among the broader peer group C. Quality of relationships with close peers D. Level of school connection/success that peer group members have

What Roles Do Peers Play in Help-Seeking After Teens Experience Violence?

5. Peers can play a significant role in the aftermath of dating violence by serving as first responders after the incidence and hindering or encouraging legal help-seeking in the form of a protection order, especially since if teens were to turn to anyone for help, it would likely be a friend.

A. True B. False

Can Group Interventions or Those Focused on Social Contexts Reduce the Risk For Teen Dating Violence?

6. Most of the effective teen dating violence interventions identified to date have been community-based programs that have are specifically designed to assist those who have highest risk factors.

A. True B. False

Implications and Key Future Research Questions

7. Focusing on risky peer networks may be one to help alleviate dating violence, as those who experience or perpetrate such violence tend to also be in broader peer networks that involve other forms of risky health behaviors, such as bullying, delinquency and:

A. Substance use B. Truancy and poor school effort C. Sexual risk behaviors D. Cutting and other self-harm actions

What Role Do the Norms, Behaviors and Reputations of Teens in the Group Play in Understanding the Effectiveness of the Intervention?

8. In designing peer-based interventions, it is important to consider how norms, behaviors and reputations of the teens might impact the effectiveness of the intervention, especially since often times when teens are aggregated into groups, deviancy training occurs such that, over time, the more deviant teens in the group appear to influence those who are less deviant.

A. True B. False

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