Mindful Continuing Education

Screening for Behavioral Health Issues in School Settings

1. Screening in school settings often results is inappropriate diagnostic labeling which becomes the focus of interventions, and ethical concerns may arise if systemic deficiencies that are contributing to student difficulties are not also addressed.

A. True B. False

The Debate about Screening-The Pros and Cons

2. Key questions that policy makers must ask themselves when evaluating the use of first-level universal screening in school settings for psychological and mental health problems include:

A. Is such monitoring an appropriate role for schools to play? B. If so, what procedures are appropriate and who should do the screening? C. If so, how will schools avoid doing more harm than good in the process? D. All of the above

3. At times teachers or peers may be expected to monitor students who have been identified through screening practices as being at-risk to themselves or others, but this may distract the teacher and peers from educational goals, and they may be poorly equipped to monitor behavioral health problems.

A. True B. False

Being Alert to Indicators of Psychosocial and Mental Health Problems

4. Behaviors of school-aged children that are of concern and may require further screening/assessment include each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Emotions seem excessive, and/or students display little affect and may demonstrate rapid shifts in emotional states B. Behaviors occur frequently and in a variety of situations, and appear rather serious when compared with other students the same age C. Students seem overly interested in others, are preoccupied with having a large group of friends, and are unresponsive to social clues and norms D. Students may have difficulty concentrating and may express very strange thoughts and ideas

Follow-Through Steps After Assessing Suicidal Risk-Checklist

5. As part of suicide assessment and follow-up protocol, professionals are advised not to press students to talk about the matter, as this may cause them to feel demeaned or devalued.

A. True B. False

Being Alert to Substance Abuse Indicators

6. Although many of the symptoms of substance abuse mirror common characteristics of young people, especially in adolescence, a prevailing pattern of unusual and excessive behaviors and recent dramatic changes in behavior and mood are indicators of potential substance abuse.

A. True B. False

7. In addition to decreased motivation for many activities, apathy, and decreased motor skill coordination, indicators of cannabinoid abuse include:

A. Decreased appetite with chronic use B. Extreme mood swings C. Erratic sleep problems D. Decreased pulse rate

8. When assessing a student after a crisis has occurred, screening questions should include an evaluation of the student's feelings of anger, fear, sadness, and:

A. Hopelessness B. Guilt C. Confusion D. Overload

9. Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about the use of general screening tools to assess student behavioral health problems and service needs?

A. It is often feasible to directly discuss matters with a student and arrive at a reasonable picture of problems and next steps B. Parent questionnaires, extensive student self-reports, and behavior rating instruments can be useful to provide data C. When students are uncertain or reluctant to share their concerns or a staff member is somewhat inexperienced, semi-structured instruments are not recommended, as they tend to be too invasive D. During the screening process, checklists are often helpful to give a functional picture of the student's issues and needs

Initial Counseling Interviewing

10. During an initial counseling interview, appropriate introductory questions include, "How would you describe your current situation?", "What problems are you experiencing?" and "What are your main concerns?"

A. True B. False

Table of Screening Tools and Rating Scales

11. Experts agree that appropriate use/interpretation of screening tools and rating scales is the best way to determine a diagnosis for behavioral health issues.

A. True B. False

12. Many school systems are adopting three-tiered models of prevention to support an increasingly diverse student population, with a central feature being:

A. Data that are monitored to determine responsiveness B. A contract or verbal agreement with the student C. Interventions for social impairment that results from emotional distress D. Multiphasic screening to match students with interventions

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