Mindful Continuing Education

Interventions for Childhood Conduct and Behavioral Problems

Classifying Conduct and Behavioral Problems

1. Although a large number of students may have emotional, behavioral, or learning difficulties, those who are suffering from true internal pathology represent a relatively small segment of the population.

A. True B. False

Focusing on Underlying Motivation to Address Concerns About Engagement

2. Noncooperative, disruptive, and aggressive proactive classroom misbehaviors tend to be rewarding and satisfying because the behavior itself is exciting or because the behavior leads to desired outcomes, including each of the following EXCEPT:

A. A sense of autonomy B. Avoidance of unpleasant thoughts and feelings C. Peer recognition D. Feelings of competence

Promoting Social and Emotional Learning

3. Classroom and school-wide practices can and need to do much more to capitalize on natural opportunities to promote social and emotional development and to minimize transactions that interfere with positive growth in these areas.

A. True B. False

Promotion of Mental Health

4. Interventions to promote mental health encompass not only strengthening individuals, but also enhancing nurturing and supportive conditions at school, at home, and in the neighborhood.

A. True B. False

Labeling Troubled and Troubling Youth: The Name Game

5. The thinking of those who study behavioral, emotional, and learning problems has long been dominated by models stressing psychosocial pathology.

A. True B. False

Environmental Situations and Potentially Stressful Events

6. The American Academy of Pediatrics suggests that commonly occurring stressful events in a youngsters life can lead to common behavioral responses, including community/social challenges such as discrimination, family isolation, and:

A. Instability B. Cultural barriers C. Assimilation D. Lack of services and resources

The Broad Continuum of Conduct and Behavioral Problems- Negative Emotional Behavior Variation

7. Infants and preschool children typically display negative emotional behaviors when frustrated or irritable, but the severity of the behaviors varies depending on:

A. Temperament B. Environmental stress C. Early experiences D. Social interactions

Aggressive/Oppositional Problem-Aggression

8. Problem levels of aggressive behavior may run in families, so when marked aggression is present, the assessor must examine the family system, the types of behaviors modeled, and the possibility of abusive interactions.

A. True B. False

Disorders that meet the Criteria of a Mental Disorder as Defined by the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of the American Psychiatric Association

9. Conduct disorder is characterized by:

A. A repetitive and persistent pattern of behavior in which the basic rights of others or major age appropriate societal norms or rules are violated B. Onset that may occur as early as age 5 to 6 years, but is usually in late childhood or early adolescence C. The behaviors harm others and break societal rules including stealing, fighting, destroying property, lying, truancy, and running away from home D. All of the above

Intervention Focus in Dealing with Misbehavior-Logical Consequences

10. Consequences involve depriving students of things they want and/or making them experience something they don't want, and they take the form of removal/deprivation, reprimands, reparations, and recantations.

A. True B. False

Behavioral Interventions in Broad Perspective

11. Although there is no consensus about what behavioral initiatives must look like, they all seem to prioritize direct and indirect ways to promote student social and emotional development.

A. True B. False

Rethinking Discipline-About Discipline

12. Which of the following is NOT one of the recommended focus areas for student learning when addressing school misbehavior?

A. Appropriate behavior and responsible self-control in a social context B. The boundaries and value of socially acceptable behavior C. Autonomous decision-making to enhance social interactions D. The students’ place in the social world that surrounds them

An Environment that Promotes Social and Emotional Development/Learning

13. In order to promote an academic environment that enhances social/emotional development and optimizes achievement, a solution-focused approach to learning is recommended.

A. True B. False

Concluding Comments

14. All efforts to respond to behavior problems can and should be done in the context of circumscribed and specialized system designed to address barriers to learning and teaching.

A. True B. False

Steps in Using Common Behavior Problems as a Natural Opportunity for Social and Emotional Learning

15. When redirecting misbehaviors, a calm and safe atmosphere can be re-established by using understanding of student's underlying motivation for misbehaving to clarify what occurred and by validating each participant's perspective and feelings.

A. True B. False


16. An estimated ___________ of students fail to learn because of psychosocial problems that interfere with their ability to fully attend to and engage in instructional activities.

A. One-fifth B. One-fourth C. One-third D. One-half

17. Factors that trigger problematic behavior can result from a mismatch between the classroom setting or academic demands and a student’s strengths, skills, or:

A. Motivation B. Preferences C. Priorities D. Character

18. One way for teachers to alter classroom conditions or activities to decrease problem behaviors is to recognize and modify behavioral hotspots in terms of routine, content, and learning styles.

A. True B. False

19. Experts contend that observation and documentation of student, classroom, and school behavior challenges can be invaluable in targeting resources and changing strategies to improve behavior at school.

A. True B. False

Promoting Positive Peer Relationships: A Sample of Recent References

20. The influence of peer relationships on school engagement tend to be very different for boys and girls, as well as for youth with from different socioeconomic status (SES) backgrounds.

A. True B. False

Peer Relationships and Bullying

21. Students with a less favorable view of school are seen as tending to feel insecure and disconnected, they are more likely to view teachers and classmates as unfriendly, and their negative perception of school can lead to aggressive and anti-social behaviors at school.

A. True B. False

Empirically Supported Treatments

22. In Parent-Child Interaction Therapy, parents learn specific positive attentions skills such as emphasizing behavioral descriptions, reflections, and labeled praises as well as:

A. Follow-through skills B. Empathic reasoning C. Active Ignoring skills D. Calming techniques

Evidence-Based Treatment for Children and Adolescents-Psychotropic Medications

23. Antipsychotic medications are often used to treat motor hyperactivity, flight of ideas, grandiosity, poor judgement, or aggressiveness in children.

A. True B. False

Keeping Conduct and Behavior Problems in Broad Perspective

24. As a means to promote overall well-being as well as learning, the curriculum in every classroom must include a major emphasis on acquisition of basic knowledge and skills, which involve more than the three Rs and cognitive development.

A. True B. False

25. Beyond the classroom, schools must have policy, leadership, and mechanisms for developing school-wide behavioral intervention programs, which may include partnership with other schools and weaving school and community resources together.

A. True B. False

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