Mindful Continuing Education

Reducing Medical Errors and Decreasing Risk

Reducing Medical Errors and Decreasing Risk

1. Although a scientific understanding of clinical risk management (CRM) in mental health care is essential for building safer health systems and for improving patient safety, there is limited research on these issues in mental health care.

A. True B. False


2. Each of the following is an accurate statement about patient safety in mental health EXCEPT:

A. Mental health care differs from medical patient care in patient population and illnesses, as well as in historical and institutional contexts B. Unique patient safety issues exist in mental health care that require specific consideration, especially with regard to clinical risks C. While medication related risks, such as medication mix-up or delivery of wrong dose, are found in acute medical care and mental health, specific risks, such as suicide, violence and self-harm prevail in mental health D. The traditional focus of clinical risk management in mental health care has been overly focused at the organizational level

Specifics of CRM in Mental Health Care

3. CRM in mental health care must support patient, staff, and family safety, and embrace the notion that, “Service provider and receiver should not be harmed…A patient should always leave the ward healthier than on admission.”

A. True B. False

4. Which of the following is NOT one of the sub-categories of treatment errors identified in the process of therapy?

A. Assault by staff on patients during the therapeutic process B. Diagnostic errors C. Administrative errors D. Specific medication risks

Clinical Risks in Common with Medical Health Care

5. Clinical risks in mental health that are common with medical health care include medication issues, infection and hygiene concerns, and risky organizational and technological conditions that influence patient safety.

A. True B. False


6. In terms of CRM, mental health professionals reported that violence and aggression from patients against others was by far their primary concern, followed next by self-destructive behavior.

A. True B. False

7. Professional interventions to reduce violence in mental health settings should include education and training of staff, the use of preventive instruments to predict violence, and:

A. Sensitization B. Collaboration C. Empowerment D. Stabilization

Medical Errors: Causes, Consequences, Emotional Response and Resulting Behavioral Change-Introduction

8. As a consequence of medical error, health care providers at all training levels experience feelings of guilt, disappointment, fear and sense of inadequacy of varying degree.

A. True B. False


9. To improve patient safety, it is necessary to be aware of medical errors, including their causes, frequency, and:

A. Complications B. Seriousness C. Rationale D. Admissibility

10. Hospital post-graduate residents report causes of medical errors to be poor communication and:

A. Fatigue due to long duty hours B. Lack of experience C. Inadequate supervision by seniors D. All of the above

Barriers to Medical Error Reporting

11. According to one study, the primary reasons for medical error underreporting are the lack of an effective medical error reporting system, the lack of a proper reporting form, lack of peer support for a person who has committed an error, and lack of personal attention to the importance of medical errors.

A. True B. False

12. Regarding medical error and its consequences, adequate training/supervision is the cornerstone of patient safety enhancement and the primary measure of progress toward achieving a safety culture.

A. True B. False


13. In order to identify medical errors and risk factors that may help avoid preventable adverse events, evidence findings recommend a critical incident reporting system that is:

A. Anonymous and nonpunitive B. Clearly defined C. Consistent with overall surveillance protocol D. Periodically reviewed by experts

20 Tips to Help Prevent Medical Errors

14. Although most medical errors result from problems created by today’s complex health care systems, errors also occur when health care professionals and patients don’t communicate effectively.

A. True B. False

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