Mindful Continuing Education

Ethics in Clinical Practice: Dual Relationships and Boundary Crossing

Literature Review

1. Boundary crossings and dual relationships have been major areas of concern in psychological practice, and clinicians faces daily challenges in handling these issues without compromising their professional conduct and practice.

A. True B. False

2. Research on dual relationships tend to place greater emphasis on sexual misconduct between client-therapist, and less on other complex boundary crossings that are less noticeable but also pose difficulties.

A. True B. False

Boundary Decisions in Context

3. For clinicians, ethical consciousness is a constant process that requires individual obligation and:

A. Continued self-reflection B. Professional deference C. Constant probing D. Collective obligation

4. When consulting with trusted colleagues about personal and professional issues, it is best to seek out those to are closest to the current situation, as this helps build ethical decision-making.

A. True B. False

Table 1-Dimensions for Ethical Decision Making

5. Helping professionals often have greater power and influence in the therapeutic relationship than their clients, and with a power discrepancy that falls in the mid-range, a clear power differential is present, but the relationship is:

A. Amiable B. Productive C. Opportune D. Circumscribed

Application of Decision-Making Model

6. Each of the following is an accurate statement about Case Study #2, in which the client asks the practitioner to introduce her to a possible romantic partner, EXCEPT:

A. After consulting with a colleague, Dr. Titus decided to use the interaction as an opportunity to discuss professional boundaries with the client and help her understand why it wouldn’t be appropriate for him to make such an introduction B. Dr. Titus recognized that “setting her up” may heighten the power differential that existed between them C. The doctor feared that if the relationship turned out to be a success, the client may feel indebted to him for making the introduction D. Dr. Titus realized that if a romantic relationship were to fail after he made an introduction, the client may have displaced or hostile feelings toward him


7. In order to remain clear on boundary crossing and dual relationship issues in clinical practice, clinicians should stay up-to-date with evolving law and research, ethical values and concepts, and practice procedures.

A. True B. False

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