Mindful Continuing Education

Administrator's Guide for Implementing Technology-Based Behavioral Health


1. Technology-Assisted Care (TAC) offers an array of opportunities in the prevention and treatment of mental and substance use disorders and has the potential to reach historically underserved populations, improve overall quality of care, and enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of service delivery.

A. True B. False

2. The authors report that TAC presents new opportunities for clients to direct their own care by presenting expanded accessibility for services, offering new avenues for support, and providing opportunities for interventions that are:

A. Cost-effective B. Discreet C. Non-threatening D. Self-paced

3. Despite the benefits of TAC, the challenges presented by TAC implementation are generally much more daunting than those encountered when adopting other service delivery approaches and innovations.

A. True B. False

Adoption and Sustainability Considerations

4. The process of considering and adopting technological innovations involves each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Identifying the need or problem to be addressed and assembling a planning team B. Designing the service delivery process C. Selecting the technologies that best support clinicians’ strengths and expertise D. Implementing, continuous monitoring, and maintaining process improvement

Staff Recruitment and Training

5. Although behavioral health professionals may have strong in-person counseling skills, they will not necessarily be skilled in delivering TAC and therefore must have the opportunity to develop a sense of self-efficacy with the technology being adopted.

A. True B. False

Exhibit 2.1-2: Technological Competencies Required of Clinical Staff

6. Technological skills required of clinical staff include:

A. Know-how to establish and maintain relationships using technology B. Ability to develop electronic materials and forms C. Expertise in monitoring fidelity of evidence-based practices D. Competence in adopting new practice techniques

Technological Capacity Considerations

7. To ensure data security, organizations must establish a password management system that controls access to client data on devices owned and controlled by the organization, as well as remote devices or devices accessed from remote locations.

A. True B. False

Video and Web Conferencing

8. Telehealth and telemental health programs typically take an approach to video conferencing using a delivery method where clients travel to a local health or behavioral health center to access services that are not available in their community, which is called a focus-and-convey approach.

A. True B. False


9. In the behavioral health field, all email exchanges of treatment-related information must use:

A. Secure, Web-based messaging systems B. Email encryption that meets HIPAA Security Rule requirements C. Specific protocols based in scientific evidence and practice D. Structures that prevent unintentional disclosure

Self-Directed Therapeutic Tools

10. Which is NOT a correct statement about self-directed therapeutic Web tools?

A. They often target prevention and treatment of mental and substance use disorders, and may include self-directed education and secure messaging B. They frequently include Web-based messaging C. They are attractive to clients and providers because they require little investment in infrastructure D. They generally operate within the formal treatment process

Vendor and Consultant Selection Considerations

11. When selecting a vendor to facilitate TAC, security, privacy, confidentiality, and regulatory requirements must be addressed in addition to cost, usability, and sustainability of the technology.

A. True B. False

Privacy and Confidentiality Considerations-Informed Consent

12. Advising clients of the risks and benefits of participating in TAC should be an ongoing process, and clinicians must be well versed enough to identify when risk potential changes, to initiate discussions of new risks or concerns, and:

A. To ensure that clients understand technological limitations B. To detect client ambivalence C. To know when to provide an immediate therapeutic alternative D. To help clients address and troubleshoot security concerns

Scope of Practice, Boundaries of Competence, and Credentialing

13. In general, professional TAC competencies are the same as those required for agencies providing traditional in-person services.

A. True B. False

Part 2, Chapter 2- Written Statements To Communicate or Elicit Emotional Responses

14. People who have previously experienced discrimination, who have service access barriers, or who are concerned about preserving the anonymity of their participation in treatment can benefit from counseling and support that relies on the written word rather than in-person exchanges.

A. True B. False

Exhibit 2.2-1: Glossary of Common Technology Terms

15. Communication such as email or texting that, once sent, can be responded to later is referred to as:

A. Deferred communication B. Intermittent communication C. Asynchronous communication D. Opportune communication

Text-Based Communication Shortcuts

16. The use of emoticons and acronyms is not recommended for behavioral health service providers because of the risk of misinterpretation and the blurring of professional and personal relationship boundaries.

A. True B. False

Exhibit 2.2.-4: Regarding the Appropriateness of TAC

17. Which of the following is NOT one of the factors to consider when assessing how clients’ presenting or co-occurring problems may influence the appropriateness of TAC?

A. What is the most appropriate level of care for the presenting problem, and will online therapy be able to meet the needs of the client? B. Is the client suicidal or engaging in risky behaviors or does he or she have problems or behaviors that might prevent him or her from responding to online therapy? C. Does the client have physical health conditions or disabilities that may influence his or her ability to use online therapy or that need to be continuously assessed visually, such as slurred speech, tremors, or flat affect? D. Are there interpersonal or cognitive limitations that would interfere with the client’s ability to interpret technology-based communications?


18. During telemedicine conferences, clients should be given the option of terminating the telemedicine encounter at any time and opting to see the consulting professional in person.

A. True B. False

Scheduling Telemedicine Appointments

19. If a client or provider is requesting a specialized telemedicine consultation, it is common practice for the client to contact the specialist directly to make the appointment so that all pertinent information can be exchanged.

A. True B. False

Additional Tips

20. When establishing TAC policies, every administrator must make decisions that reflect the clients, the agency, the services, and the conditions at hand, and such policies will require updating due to circumstances, technologies, and:

A. Changing needs B. Enhanced skill development C. Professional competencies D. Evaluation and feedback

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