Mindful Continuing Education

Practical Solutions to Prevent Substance Misuse

1. While misuse of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs is a problem throughout the United States, communities vary greatly in the specific problems they face, the groups affected by those problems, and the events that rouse people to take action.

A. True B. False

The Strategic Prevention Framework

2. The Strategic Prevention Framework, which was developed to support the promotion of mental health and prevention of substance use among people under age 21, requires the essential qualities of accountability, effectiveness, and:

A. Specialization B. Advocacy C. Capacity D. Relevance

Prevention Theory

3. The Stanford communication/behavior change model indicates that changes in behavior occur when mass media messages follow a series of steps, which include each of the following EXCEPT:

A. Raise awareness of an issue and change what people know, believe, and think about the promoted behavior B. Teach the skills needed to perform the behavior C. Build a person’s confidence in his or her ability to perform a specific behavior in a particular situation and provide support for sustaining a new behavior D. Successfully demonstrate that the advantages of performing a behavior outweigh the disadvantages

Risk and Protection

4. In order to ensure the greatest impact, experts recommend developing prevention activities in more than one context such as schools, cultural settings, faith-based groups, and neighborhoods.

A. True B. False

Community Needs

5. Designing a behavioral health prevention or promotion strategy that best fits community needs is the first step in calling a community to action.

A. True B. False

Strategies That Work

6. Broad prevention strategies that can be applied to most substance use issues include information dissemination, prevention education, providing positive alternatives, incorporating environmental strategies and community-based processes, and effectively identifying problems and referring to services.

A. True B. False

Issues and Audiences

7. Prevention targets can be defined in terms of places as well as personal characteristics, and determining where substance abuse is occurring adds insight about norms and beliefs that give rise to a problem as well as about patterns, trends, and:

A. Rationale B. Behaviors C. Subgroups within a larger group D. Dynamics

Community Partners-Reaching Diverse Groups

8. The most effective strategy to reach diverse groups of adults and youth with prevention messages is to:

A. Establish a high level of confidence and mutual regard from the beginning B. Engage as many kinds of organizations as possible C. Invite participants to be involved in planning and implementation D. Providing regular and consistent feedback, encouragement, and guidance to participants

Connecting With Your Audience-Starting Points

9. When communicating about substance use prevention topics, the message and materials should engage the audience by incorporating human interest, stirring up emotions, setting a positive tone, and by integrating a little fun in the message when appropriate.

A. True B. False

Social Marketing

10. Which of the following is NOT a correct statement about how social marketing is used to promote public health or other social goals?

A. The four P’s of social marketing include premium, production, preparation, and position B. Social marketing efforts should be geared toward building knowledge, beliefs, and norms that may influence decisions about using harmful substances C. While commercial marketing usually promises rewards such as enjoyment, style, and convenience, social marketing may call for caution and sacrifice D. Social marketing strategies may help target audiences adopt, reject, adjust, or give up actions related to alcohol, tobacco, or illicit drugs


11. In general, the two elements that are compared when determining which prevention strategies have been most successful are duration and opportunity.

A. True B. False

Event Timeline

12. When creating a timeline for planning a prevention event, operations that should occur 30 days prior to the event include sending confirmation letters to speakers and participants, assessing the supply list to identify any outstanding gaps, drafting a press release about the upcoming event, and:

A. Determine how many volunteers will be needed the day of the event B. Identify and contact local businesses, centers, schools, places of worship and community event calendars that may promote the event C. Print fact sheets to distribute at event, to partner organizations, and within media kits D. Begin disseminating social media posts using your organization’s Facebook and Twitter accounts, and include the event’s unique #hashtag

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